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Poplars Community Primary School

Courage, Honesty, Aspiration, Kindness, Collaboration

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First attention to the best conduct


At Poplars adults utilise a variety of praise strategies, in addition to verbal praise.


All adults:

• Follow instructions with specific public and/or discrete verbal praise

• Recognise and celebrate success in every lesson

• Make at least one positive phone call home per week

• Issue at least one positive praise note per week.




At Poplars adults use a variety of class based and whole school rewards to acknowledge children who consistently demonstrate extremely high standards of behaviour and behaviours for learning.


Daily – stickers, house points, celebration visit to phase lead

Weekly – certificates, praise notes, positive phone calls, celebration visit to a member of the leadership team

Half Termly – non-school uniform days, house team reward


Golden Tickets


At Poplars we award a golden ticket to one child in each class every day for going 'over and beyond the expectation in learning'. The children voted for the reward they would like and chose trampolining and playing on a Nintendo Switch. 
