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Reading Progression – Years 1 and 2


Year 1 

Year 2 

The child as a reader 

Is increasingly familiar with a wide range of poems, stories, fairy stories and traditional tales 

Is developing pleasure in reading  

Can recognise rhymes and some simple poems 

Is increasingly familiar with a wide range of stories, fairy stories and traditional tales 

Developing pleasure in reading  

Can participate in discussion about both books that are read to them and those they read for themselves 

Can recognise recurring literary language in poems and stories 

Word reading, decoding and understanding 

Can apply phonic knowledge as a route to decode words  

Can recognise, read and identify correct sound to grapheme for all 40+ phonemes 

Can recognise, read and identify alternative sounds for some graphemes 

Can break words into more than one syllable that contain taught GPCs 

Can read words with increasing fluency without overt sounding and blending 

Can read common exception words 

Can recognise and read prefix un and use this to construct meanings of words 

Can recognise and read a range of suffixes and use these to construct the meanings of words in context e.g. s, es, ing, er,est, ed 

Can recognise an increasing range of punctuation (. CL ! ? ) and use this to add expression and understanding to the text 

Can use the context of the text and pictures to help read unfamiliar words 

Can read words with simple contractions  

Can discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to those they already know 

Can decode unknown words applying phonic knowledge  

Can recognise, read and identify the full range of vowel graphemes 

Can recognise, read and identify the full range of consonant graphemes 

Can break words into two or more syllables 

Can read 90 words per minute at expected standard 

Can read further common exception words 

Can recognise and read a range of suffixes and use these to construct the meanings of words in context e.g. ed, ing, er,est, ly, ful, less, ness, ment 

Can recognise an increasing range of punctuation (. CL ! ? " " , ') and use this to add expression and understanding to the text 

Can use the context of the text to help read unfamiliar words 

Can discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to those they already know 

Can recognise adjectives, adverbs and similes 

Can identify how vocabulary choices effect meaning 



Join in with predictable phrases or refrains 

Can explain what is read in their own words 

Recall main points (who, what, where, when, how, why answers)  

Link what they read or hear to their own experiences 

Recall main points with reference to the text (who, what, where, when, how, why answers) 

Can read closely to obtain specific information e.g. what type of clothes someone was wearing 

Can identify, select and highlight key words in a sentence to answer recall questions 

Is beginning to scan for a specific purpose e.g. looking for specific information e.g. names of characters 

Can recognise and talk about the main differences between fiction and non-fiction texts 

Comprehension (Sequencing) 

Identify components of a story - beginning, middle and end 

Identify components of a story - beginning, middle and end  

Can sequence events in text 

Comprehension (Inference) 

Can answer simple 'How' and 'Why' questions from pictures or text 

Can discuss the actions of characters and justify views on the basis of what is being said and done 

Can discuss the actions of characters and justify views on the basis of what is being said and done 

Can summarise the main points from a passage or a text 

Can identify and discuss favourite words and phrases 

Can ask questions to improve their understanding of a text 

Is beginning to identify the author’s main purpose for writing 

Can explain what the writer might be thinking 

Comprehension (Prediction) 

Can discuss the significance of the title 

Can make predictions sometimes based on what has been read so far 

Can make predictions on basis of what has been read so far 


