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Poplars Community Primary School

Courage, Honesty, Aspiration, Kindness, Collaboration

Contact Us


If you would like your child to attend our wonderful school, please see the full details of our admission arrangements below (Applying to Poplars). 


If you would like to visit the school, please make an appointment with the school office to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. 


Academies including Free School Academies are publicly funded independent schools with sponsors from the private or voluntary sectors or from churches or other faith groups. 


Our Trust Board is responsible for the strategic leadership of the school and for the admission of pupils. 


Normal year of entry (Reception Year) admissions to Poplars Community Primary School are coordinated by the local authority and the Trust Board must use the published admission rules to prioritise applications. These admissions applications are completed via Suffolk County Council website, please see the links below (General Information on admissions).


Poplars Community Primary School is an own admission authority school for all other in year admissions, this means if you wish your child to join our school at any point other than when they start school in the Reception year. We follow the Suffolk County Council admissions policy and our PAN (Published Admission Number) is 78 places for each year group. 


There is requirement under paragraph 2.17 of the School Admissions Code to make clear in our admission arrangements the process for requesting admission out of the normal age range. 


“We will consider all requests to place children outside of their normal age group including summer born and premature children in line with the requirements of paragraph 2.17 to 2.17B of the School Admissions Code” 


For more information, please see the links below:


Applying for a School Place

A Guide to School Admissions

School Admissions Code

Admission Arrangements

Education Admission Appeals


Further information can be found on the Suffolk County Council website, click here. You can also call the admissions team on 0345 600 0981 or email:

Applying to Poplars

Poplars Community Primary School Nursery Application Form

Poplars Community Primary School Current Year Admissions (2023-2024)
