Relationship and Sex Education
We believe that our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) will help our pupils to develop the skills and the understanding that they need in order to live confident, healthy and happy lives. If young people are to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives then it is essential that they have an effective Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) that is firmly rooted within our school’s PSHE framework.
The aims of RSE at our school are to:
- Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place
- Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene
- Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
- Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships
- Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies
- Create an ethos of positive relationships between all members of the school community
- Explore, consider and understand moral dilemmas and to develop critical thinking as part of decision making
- Begin to learn the benefits from delaying sexual activity and avoiding unplanned pregnancies
- Be taught without bias and with a variety of views and opinions
- Give pupils accurate and age-appropriate answers as honestly as possible to their questions on sex and relationships
- Give regard to the age and physical and emotional maturities of pupils within all age groups
- Know about different support services available
- Work closely with parents/carers and governors to ensure that our pupils receive a high-quality RSE
- Give regard to the age and physical and emotional maturities of pupils within all age groups
- Give pupils accurate and age-appropriate answers as honestly as possible to their questions on sex and relationships
- Consider pupils with special educational needs to ensure equality of opportunity and experience
RSE is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils, and involves learning about relationships, sexuality, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity.
RSE involves a combination of sharing information and exploring issues and values.
RSE is not about the promotion of sexual activity.
The school uses a progressive and systematic scheme of work to ensure pupils are provided with a broad and balanced curriculum. Lessons are taught in a stepped approach with a gradual build-up of knowledge from year to year. Content from the National Curriculum and Science is included in related areas. The National Curriculum for Science as well as other subjects will reinforce content and concepts for pupils. For example, the National Curriculum for Science in key stage 2 includes learning about the changes to the human body as we develop into old age.
We have developed the curriculum in consultation with parents, pupils and staff, taking into account the age, needs and feelings of pupils. If pupils ask questions outside the scope of this policy, teachers will respond in an appropriate manner so they are fully informed and don’t seek answers online.
We recognise that good RSE is only possible in the context of the provision of high-quality PSHE and an ethos that views this learning as an important part of the everyday fabric of the school, rather than isolated, compartmentalised lessons. Some parts of RSE will be covered through broader PSHE, some through the specific provision and some through other subject areas and enrichment activities.
RSE is a continuous process of learning, which begins well before pupils enter our schools and continue into adulthood. Therefore, we follow a progressive curriculum appropriate to age groups and pupils' changing needs.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, RSE is delivered through Science and PSHE. Early Years pupils will be taught some elements of RSE through the personal, social and emotional development aspect of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. The following topics are taught:
- Correct body part names (Years 1-6)
- Emotions and Feelings (Years 1-6)
- Families and Parenting (Years 1-6)
- Pregnancy and babies (Years 1-6)
- Safety (Years 1-6)
- Self- esteem (Years 1-6)
- Stereotypes (Years 1-6)
- Who can help? (Years 1-6)
- Development and onset of puberty (Years 3-6)
- Birth (Years 5-6)
- Periods (Years 5-6)
In primary (Year 6 only), pupils will cover these topics in their PHSE/SRE lessons:
- Preparing boys and girls for the changes adolescence brings
- How a baby is conceived and born
A letter is written to parents/carers of Year 6 pupils, informing them of the RSE programme and when it will take place. In year 6, boys and girls will have separate sessions on puberty and body changes.
The safe use of social media is taught through E-safety lessons (to all pupils). It may be addressed during RSE lessons if questions about sexting or posting of semi-nude and nude images arise. Any teaching related to this will cover communication skills, attitudes and values, the law, acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, and how to seek help.
The school complies with the Equality Act 2010 and ensure that the needs of all pupils are appropriately met and that all pupils understand the importance of equality and respect. LGBTQ+ teaching is sensitive and age-appropriate. It is fully integrated into the programmes of study across the curriculum rather than delivered as standalone units or lessons. Pupils learn about different types of relationships, identities, and families, including same-sex parents.
When delivering or broaching certain subjects, teachers will give regard to the age and physical and emotional maturities of pupils within all age groups and give appropriate answers as honestly as possible to their questions. The school will ensure pupils with special educational needs are adapted for regarding their physical and emotional maturities to ensure equality of opportunity to a level that is appropriate. Pupils with SEND are more vulnerable to exploitation, bullying and other issues.
Delivery of RSE
RSE is taught within the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum. Biological aspects of RSE are taught within the science curriculum, and other aspects are included in religious education (RE).
Relationships education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships including:
- Families and people who care for me
- Caring friendships
- Respectful relationships
- Online relationships
- Being safe
A range of resources are used to deliver RSE including games, circle time, websites, DVDs, books, 3D models, photographs and posters. Any materials relating specifically to RSE will have been approved beforehand by the headteacher. These materials are also available for parents to view upon request.
For more information about our RSE Curriculum, please see our Relationship and Sex Education Policy in the policy section of our website.
These areas of learning are taught within the context of family life taking care to ensure that there is no stigmatisation of children based on their home circumstances (families can include single-parent families, LGBTQ+ parents, families headed by grandparents, adoptive parents, foster parents/carers amongst other structures) along with reflecting sensitively that some children may have a different structure of support around them (for example: looked after children or young carers).
Parents do not have the right to withdraw their children from all aspects of RSE. Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory components within the RSE curriculum.
Requests for withdrawal should be put in writing using the form found in the RSE Policy. This form will need to be given to the headteacher.
Alternative work will be given to pupils who are withdrawn from the RSE lessons.
For more information regarding RSE, please see our Relationship and Sex Education Policy in the 'Policy' section of our website.