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Year 6

Reading Progression – Year 6
















Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 

Can retrieve key details and quotations to demonstrate understanding of character, events and information 


Can answer who, what, why, where, when, which, how questions, using direct reference to and quotes from the text 


Can make developed inferences drawing on evidence from the text and wider personal experience 


Can talk about the types of texts they enjoy and that interest them 


Can persevere with challenging texts (whole texts, including novels) to read with fluency, understanding and expression 


Can skim texts to get the general idea of the content of a piece 


Can scan texts to find particular information 


Can search for simple clues within the text to support ‘reading between the lines’ 


Can prove or disprove a statement about character or setting by finding evidence in the text 


Can identify a range of figurative language e.g. metaphor, simile, alliteration, idioms, euphemism, personification etc. 


















Can compare, contrast and evaluate different texts  


Can identify key details and use quotes for illustration 


Can use clues from action, dialogue and description to interpret meaning 


Can identify key features such as setting, action, past events 


Can make developed predictions that are securely rooted in the text 

Can comment upon the use and effect of the author's language on the reader 


Can provide developed explanations for key information, events, character actions and motivations 


Can identify whether statements from a text are fact or opinion 


Can accurately order summaries of different paragraphs within a text 


Can accurately and selectively summarise main ideas, events, characters and information from fiction 

Can identify and comment on the presentational features of text 


Can use text format and text features accurately to determine text type 


Can explain their prediction choices fully, using evidence from the text 



Can provide straightforward explanations for the purpose of the language, structure and presentation of texts 


Can decide whether statements about a text are true or false, using direct reference to the text 


Can identify the main message in a poem/story 


Can explain and justify inferences, providing evidence from the text to support reasoning 

Can empathise with different characters' points of view 


Can identify/explain how the sequence of events in narrative fiction contributes to meaning as a whole 


Can identify what impression a word/words give the reader 


Can use information from the whole text to answer questions e.g. true or false 


Can find and discuss evidence of themes and conventions in different genres and forms of text 


Can make predictions about characters including how their behaviour may/may not change and how they may/may not appeal to the reader, justifying answers with reference to the text 


Can understand and recognise different forms of poetry, discuss their meaning and impact on the reader 



Can make accurate and appropriate comparisons within texts 


Can make comparisons about how a character changes e.g. their opinion, how they are different after a certain event 


Cyclical Reading Skills 

Can read aloud with intonation that shows understanding 


Can construct visual images 


Can use appropriate decoding strategies fluently and accurately  


Can show an understanding of the meaning of vocabulary in different contexts 


Can find and copy one word/groups of words with a particular meaning 


Can find words in a text that most closely match the meaning of a given word  


Can explain what words suggest about a given subject 


Can talk about a growing repertoire of vocabulary and know how to independently find out what unknown words in text mean 


Can identify and comment on the grammatical features of text 
