SMSC and British Values
SMSC is essential for our pupils’ individual development, as well as the development of society as a whole. At Poplars Community Primary School, we believe the importance of SMSC is central to the development and growth of pupils as people and at the heart of what teachers would say education is all about. Within these topics, and in fact throughout the curriculum, we also promote British Values.
What does SMSC stand for?
Spiritual Development
When students are given the tools they need to develop spiritually, they learn how to reflect upon their own beliefs and those of their peers. They also develop an interest and fascination with other views, this helps to share empathy and understanding around topics such as religion or other beliefs.
Spiritual development fosters creativity and helps to build a healthy imagination. It also encourages students to be more reflective and self aware in their own learning. This can make academic learning more engaging and their response to feedback more conducive to academic progression.
Moral Development
Moral development refers to students’ abilities to recognise the difference between right and wrong, both from a humanitarian point of view and from a legal standpoint.
Understanding the consequences of individual behaviour and actions also improves students’ behaviour and accountability. This can positively affect their commitment to work, in class and at home. It also creates an attitude of collectivism within the class, encouraging students to look at work both individually and as a team with a common goal.
Appreciating others’ moral and ethical viewpoints can also help pupils to develop into more empathetic and caring members of society. This level of understanding allows them to envision teachers’ and other students’ viewpoints.
Social Development
Social Development is more closely woven into the fabric of Ofsted’s criteria. Its teaching of engagement with others and acceptance of differences between members of society ties in closely with ‘British Values’. It includes willingness to participate in community projects and wider social groups, including sports clubs and volunteering.
Social skills are quite obviously an important part of personal development. Giving students the support they need to become more comfortable socially can help them in all aspects of life, through higher education to employment. It also tackles mental health issues and feelings of discontent in school, as speaking out is encouraged.
Cultural Development
Finally, cultural development covers the understanding and appreciation of the rich tapestry of culture that makes up our society. From students’ own cultural influences and heritage to that of other students and staff.
As well as this, appreciation and understanding of art, music, sports and other cultural pursuits is viewed as conducive to pupils’ development as it can help to form ideas for further study, as well as inspiration for students’ own contribution to British culture.
Knowledge of Britain’s democratic system, including voting system, parliamentary process and politics is also noted within cultural development. Ofsted sees the understanding of the political processes as intrinsic to growth as both a student and British citizen.
How do we promote SMSC at Poplars Community Primary Academy?
poplars community primary school smsc.pdf
Poplars Community Primary School SMSC
What are British values?
- democracy;
- the rule of law;
- individual liberty;
- mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith