Poplars Primary School

Contact Us

Mrs Hurren - Headteacher

Mrs Gallagher - SENDCo 

Poplars Community Primary School 
St Margaret's Road 
NR32 4HN 

Telephone: 01502 565757 
E-mail: admin@poplarsprimary.org.uk 


You can also visit our Facebook page: Poplars Primary School

You can also visit our Instagram page: poplarsprimaryschool

You can also visit our Twitter page: PoplarsSchool

You can also visit our TikTok page: PoplarsSchool

You can also visit our YouTube page: PoplarsPrimary


We are part of Evolution Academy Trust, please find out more here

Evolution Academy Trust 

Suite GF6 Roxburgh House 

Rosebury Business Park 

Mentmore Way 



NR14 7XP  

Telephone: 01603 981210 

Email: enquiries@evolutionacademytrust.org.uk 

Company Registration Number: 0818619 (England & Wales) 


If you have any safeguarding concerns about the welfare of a child or family at our school, please contact us on 01502 565757 and ask for our Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr Cunningham, or alternate leads Mrs Hurren and Mr Keeler.